Bejeweled 2 + Blitz 攻略Tips(和訳版)



Bejeweled 2 + Blitz 1.5.4(¥85)
カテゴリ: ゲーム, ファミリー, エンターテインメント, パズル
現在の価格: ¥85(サイズ: 17.8 MB)
販売元: PopCap – PopCap
リリース日: 2008/07/11


現在のバージョンの評価: (17件の評価)
全てのバージョンの評価: (349件の評価)

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それもこれも Facebook で知り合いになった、 Jocelyn さんが仕掛け人です。彼女は週間で集計される Bejeweled Blitz の1位の座を譲ったことのない猛者で、1,000,000点超えも時々達成する凄腕プレイヤーです。

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3444EBEF-F89B-4732-AD41-FE442F6BD269 Photo by donpy



Bejeweled Blitz Tips and Hints
(via Bejeweled Blitz Tips and Hints – It’s a Blog About Nothing – )



Bejeweled Blitz Tips(和訳/原文)

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◆ スピードボーナスを常にキープします。マックスボーナスの時、毎回の動きは1250pts.の価値があります!(スピードボーナス1000+消したジェムの得点250円という内訳になります。)

Many players have asked us what strategies they should try in order to get a high Blitz score. Here are some of the strategies that members of the Blitz team use when going for a top score.
Try to keep your speed bonus up at all times. With a maxed-out speed bonus every move is worth 1250 points!

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◆ Multiplier(x2,x3とか)の倍数ジェムについて、スピードボーナスにも倍数がかかりますので、高い倍数を狙いましょう。

Multiplier gems apply not only to matches, but also to your current speed bonus. For example, with a x3 multiplier, each match made with a full speed bonus would be worth 3750 points. So once you’ve established a respectable multiplier, maintaining your speed bonus is extremely valuable.

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◆ もっと長いマッチ機会を探します。4と5個ジェムが一気にクリアできれば、Hypercubes, Flame and Star Gemsが作れますから、ポイントと連鎖と倍数ジェムの可能性も高くなります。つまりスコアも高くなります。

Keep an eye out for bigger matches. Look for the opportunity to match 4 or 5 gems. This will create Hypercubes, Flame and Star Gems. These special pieces are instrumental in creating large explosions, which will earn you lots of points, more chances at extra Multiplier Gems and will help mix up the board, potentially making it easier to find new matches. Lost opportunities mean lost points.

◆ できれば、画面下のジェムから消しましょう。(連鎖の可能性が高くなります)

Matches made lower on the board are more likely to generate cascades. If you’re finding it hard to make matches lower on the board, try creating and using a Hypercube or Star Gem.

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396B1150-5B1B-4ACF-917A-339CBFBD276A Photo by donpy

◆ Hypercubeが出たら、一番同じ色がたくさんのジェムをクリアするか、倍数ジェムの色のジェムをクリアするかをよく考えてから消しましょう。これも倍数ジェムの得点に関係しますので、倍数が上がっているときは画面上に最も多い色を選択することをお勧めします。

When you earn a Hypercube, don’t waste it on the first color you see. Try to use it to on the color with the most gems on the screen. Or if you have any multiplier gems on the screen, consider matching it to the color of that gem.

(3) FacebookのBejeweled Blitz
(3) FacebookのBejeweled Blitz Photo by donpy

◆ FacebookでプレイするとGame Over画面から自分のプレイ履歴を参照でき、戦略を立てることができます。秒単位のスコアの推移などが参照できるので、戦略の参考になるでしょう。

The score chart provided on the Game Over screen is a great place to discover strategies of your own. Make sure you take the time to review this chart for your highest scoring games to learn the secrets of your own success.

◆ 倍数ジェム - 1つのジェム交換で12個以上のジェムがクリアできる時でる。つまり、最低条件の3個消しの4ペア(つまり4連鎖)か、1ペアを成立させた上で、Star Gemを誘爆させる必要があるわけです。特殊ジェムを積極的に作る理由はここにあります。

Multiplier – The multiplier is key. Multipliers are made when you get rid of 12 or more gems with 1 gem swap. You’ll want to explode a power gem with another near by power gem or make sure that a cascade happens at the same time. 

◆ 倍数ジェム - 倍数ジェムが出たら、次は 倍数ジェムをクリアします。

Multiplier – When you get a multiplier on the screen (first make as many as you can), your next goal is to get it to explode. You don’t necessarily need to get that multiplier’s color combination to do this. If you have a power gem next to it, then get that power gem to explode and you still get the multiplier because the near by explosion caused it also to explode.

◆ ゲームのはじめまずPower Gemを作ります。(4マッチ、5マッチを狙います。)最初の10秒以内に x2 が取れればかなりのスコアが期待できるでしょう。

Strategy – Your first move of the game should be to look to make a power gem. Take a second and look for one. Many times, the game starts you off where you can easily make one. Get the 2x multiplier within the first 5-10 seconds of the game to score high.

◆ ひとつのコンビを作ったら、すぐ画面の別のところを見て、次の動きを探します。(画面を広く見て、常に次の消せるジェムを探し続けることが重要です。)

Strategy – Once you make a combination on one side of the screen, immediately look to the other side of the screen where blocks being removed won’t affect anything and set up your next move there instead of waiting to see what happens where you just made your move. This saves a ton of time and you don’t get “lost" when things didn’t work out like you wanted. This is an important Bejeweled Blitz tip for sure.

◆ 別のジェムが動いてる時、先に次のMoveができます。どんどん動かしましょう。速く消せば消すほどメリットは増えていきます。

Strategy – Once nice thing about this version (Bejeweled Blitz) is that you can move gems before the game lets you. Once the game is ready, it performs that move. If things are happening, you can go to another sector of the board that isn’t going to be affected by what’s going on and make a move in advance and sort of get ahead of the game. Not all versions of Bejeweled let you do this, so take advantage. You can also get in an extra move at the end of thegame even when time has run out if you’ve done moves in advance while time was still on the clock – usually just one move though.

◆ 消せるジェムが見つからない時は画面上部をチェックします。必ず消せるようにNext Jemは計算されている(このゲームに手詰まりはない)ので、新しいジェムが落ちるところから次の展開がある可能性は高いです。

Tip – You can get down to the point where there are not a lot of combinations. When that happens, look at the top of the screen where new gems have come in. You’re more likely to find a combination there since the game seems to be set up with its own rule so that you never get stuck. This can actually play to your advantage since it’ll keep having to make combinations to obey its rule and you can all of sudden get multiple cascading combinations going almost automatically.

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◆ GOの前、実はもう動けます。2秒ぐらい前でもスタートできます。このゲームの1秒は非常に重要です。開幕の2秒は特に重要です。見づらい画面から1ペアでも消せるジェムを見つける努力をしましょう。

Tip – You can start moving your gems before you’re told to “Go" but there are some words in the middle of the screen, blocking your view of some gems, so it’s best to just move something at the top of the screen that won’t affect other good, potential moves below.

◆ 動くところが見つかれない時にヒントボタンを使ってください。特殊ジェムを消したときや、大量連鎖が起こっているときは特にチャンスです。積極的にヒントを使い、スピードアップを狙いましょう。

Bad Game? – If you’re stuck, use the Hint button. It’s better to take a small hit on points than waste time.The game usually gives you excellent hints


Thank to Jocelyn!

Bejeweled 2 + Blitz 1.5.4(¥85)
カテゴリ: ゲーム, ファミリー, エンターテインメント, パズル
現在の価格: ¥85(サイズ: 17.8 MB)
販売元: PopCap – PopCap
リリース日: 2008/07/11


現在のバージョンの評価: (17件の評価)
全てのバージョンの評価: (349件の評価)

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